International Journal of Anarchism
Bulletin of the Anarchist International

L'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes

Circular sent to the sections to discuss particular points and to convene reunions of work:


junio de este año e los días 21 y 22



It's been formalized the coordinating committee "Anarchists against capital".  It's aimed to criticize the meeting of the european prime ministers in Seville in June; we invite all of you to take part in it. These are the premises to belong to the coordinating committee:

- Only will be called those groups, federations, unions which recognize anarchist ideas (not to receive subventions, not to take part in any electoral campaign...).

- Nobody is excluded if his theory and action is in keeping with the libertary movement (i.e. according to anarchist principles, see say, http://www.anarchy.no/a_e_p_m.html )

- The character of the events will be pacific.

- We'll try to offer the neccesary logistic support for the security of the participants, their healthcare, legal support...

- The way to participate will be managed and coordinated by the Assembly, as the  one and only element to make a decision.

- This call is open to any suggestion from any of the groups or unions taking part in it.

This is our manifesto:


They are coming - so, let´s prepare the welcome to the european prime ministers!. They'll celebrate a very expensive summit in Seville to advance their project of spreading the neoliberalism.  Spain is leaving the european presidency, which has cost 60.000.000 euros, stolen from the taxes paid by the spanish people.

But we have decided to put a damper on their party with the stridents truths of our placards and throats.

Privatizations, unstable employment, ecological troubles, excessive individualism, andalusian desindustrialization (like shipyards and the mines of Aznalcóllar, Río Tinto...), our cultural references are lost, a lot of golf courses, argentinian´s crisis,.... That's the capitalism globalization, those are the most evident consequences.

That's the reason why, we, anarchists and anarchosyndicalists, are against this prosses which has the intention of stabilishing the barbary and the absolute chaos over the whole planet.

The highest social classes and the intellectual circles have been sold out to the liberalism; they are always promising a higher social welfare and trying to make a fool of us.

But, nowadays, social inequalites have never been so pronounced. It's their fault.

Neither political parties, nor charity organizations, nor official unions selling out the working class for years, nor marxist groups, nor pseudo-libertarians can offer alternatives to the neoliberalism system.

They only propose keynesian and socialdemocratic suggestions. A capitalism with a human face unable to end with the old exploitation between human beings; in the "best" of the cases they propose a return to the "proletarian dictatorship". We're fed up with groups like ATTAC and political parties like IU channeling and taking the most of the popular discontent to speak in the name of everybody, branding the anarchists as a "violent minority".

That's because they know that they can't "integrate" us into the system.

If these organizations were consolidated as spokespersons of the globalization movement, then, the defeat will be certain.

We, the anarchists, are against this dynamic of exploitation and death, and our alternative has always been very clear: Libertarian Communism.

Just only an organized society, from below to up, and a socializated production of the resources will be able to assure welfare and freedom for everybody.

our strategy is clear too: to be an active member of the anarchist and anarchosindicalist organizations, spreading in our environment the anarchist ideals.

Let's prepare the Revolution which will take us to the libertarian communism!


These are the groups making up the coordinating committee:

CNT Andalucía, Ateneo Libertario de Sevilla, Ateneo Libertario Eliseo Reclús, Grupo Leviatán, CSOA Casas Viejas, FAI Andalucía, Amica, JJLL la@, Grupo Anarquista Casas Viejas, Grupo Anarquista Alacrán. And many other groups waiting for to join us.

We have a web-site at URL:


Salud and Social Revolution.

We beg you  of the greatest spreading.


grupo Tea, FAI, affiliated to IFA

(Received by IFA 30.05.2002. Circular sent according to mandate of IJ@ 03.06.2002. Replies to IFA will be forwarded to relevant groups.)

Summarized report about the Seville/EU-event from FAI below:
(Spanish text only; if you don't understand Spanish, try the translation utilities at http://www.anarchy.no/ija631.html or http://www.anarchy.no/links.html .)

Éxito absoluto de la manifestación antiglobalización

Sevilla 22 de junio 2002

Pesa a las trabas puestas desde muchas instancias la manifestación celebrada ayer por la tarde en Sevilla ha reunido a más de cien mil personas. Además otros miles de ciudadanos se sumaron en los aledaños de la misma o en las ventanas y balcones para animar y apoyar a los manifestantes. El calor fue tan grande que desde las ventanas se arrojaba agua a petición de los manifestantes.

Las provocaciones de la policía y de varios inflitrados no hicieron el efecto deseado y apenas hubo incidentes.

Los anarquistas pudimos mostrar nuestro rechazo al capitalismo y a los Estados, a pesar de boicot y de los impedimentos que nos pusieron algunos políticos y algún sector incrustado en nuestra manifestación que lo mejor que pudo hacer era quedarse en su casa o en la orilla del río pescando barbos.

Agradecemos los apoyos prestados y las muestras de simpatía. Continuaremos con nuestro trabajo militante.

Boletín contrainformativo anarquista. nº 7 23--6--2002 9.00 horas
grupo TEA (Federación Anarquista Ibérica)

CNT demonstrates in Seville

It is not so easy to demonstrate with ca 100% dignity in Spain as in Norway anno 2002

Typical Spanish police acting authoritarian similar to at the EU-meeting in Seville

1927 - 2002: LXXV aniversario de la
fundación de la Federación Anarquista Ibérica - FAI

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